This will be the 29th year the Horse Harbor Foundation has held its popular series of Summer Horse Day Camps for young people interested in learning about and experiencing the wonderful world of horses firsthand.
During these four-hour, four-day sessions campers will learn about horse health and nutrition, stable management, grooming and tacking up and receive beginning riding instruction. They will be on horseback for a portion of all four days. Camp hours are 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Tuesday through Friday.
Tuition for the camps will again be $300, with all proceeds going directly to the care and keep of our resident herd of 24 rescued horses, several of which will be used in the camps.
CAMP SESSIONS for 2025 are:
July 8–11, July 22–25, August 5–8 and August 19–22
Each session is limited to ten campers so to hold a place for your youngster(s) in the camp(s) of your choice or an alternate, fill out the application below and submit it immediately. We will acknowledge by emailing you the actual camp enrollment form for you to download, fill out and return to us by postal mail with your check or money order for the total camp fee. If enrolling multiple children, please fill out an enrollment form for each, and make your check out in the amount of the total fee for all.
Applications are not complete and the spot(s) in the camp of your choice cannot be confirmed until we are in receipt of both the enrollment form and your check or money order for the appropriate fee, which is nonrefundable.
We will confirm your camp enrollment(s) and camp date(s) with a brochure describing the camps in greater detail when your enrollment form(s) and your check or money order are received. THANK YOU!
Summer Camp Enrollment Form